Im Geviert, Saarlandmuseum Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, 2010
"Through fragmentariness, folds, bends, and breaks, Katja Strunz negates any forward-looking utopia that, quite to the contrary, was aspired to by her formal precursors at the beginning of the 20th century. The temporal dimension plays a central role in the work of Katja Strunz. If, on the one hand, the fragmentary character of her works refers to a past whole, the foldings themselves presuppose previous processes and moments of folding. The formal-aesthetic caesura in space is joined by ruptures in the course of time." (Dr. A. Oetker, Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesit Hg., Ich Sehe Was, Was Du Nicht Siehst, p.186)